Cerebral amyloid angiopathy
The brain is the control center of the body. It controls thoughts, memory, speech, and movement. It regulates the function of many organs. When the brain is healthy, it works quickly and automatically. However, when problems occur, the results can be devastating. Inflammation in the brain can lead to problems such as vision loss, weakness and paralysis. Loss of brain cells, which happens if you suffer a stroke, can affect your ability to think clearly. Brain tumors can also press on nerves and affect brain function. Some brain diseases are genetic. And we do not know what causes some brain diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease.The symptoms of brain diseases vary widely depending on the specific problem. In some cases, damage is permanent. In other cases, treatments such as surgery, medicines, or physical therapy can correct the source of the problem or improve symptoms.
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Top Cerebral amyloid angiopathy Doctors on Curofy
Top doctors who continously share their opinions on Cerebral amyloid angiopathyAnand Hospital
Neuro Intensive Care
Zhengzhou University
Government Medical College , Mysore
Ram Raghu Hospital
Consultant Neurosurgeon
Armed Forces Medical College
MCh Neurosurgery
20 Years of Teaching To Both UGs & PGs
As Assistant, Associate & Professor
Gandhi Medical College, Dr. NTRUHS
MD Pathology
Five Years
Riddhivinayak Critical Cardiac Center
Rajiv Gandhi Univercity Of Helth Science Bangalore
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Diagnosis please.
Dr. Syam Sundar Patro1 Like8 Answers - Login to View the image
Findings and diagnosis please.
Dr. Syam Sundar Patro0 Like6 Answers - Login to View the image
F.71 years. Shortness of breath 6 days.
Dr. Syam Sundar Patro0 Like5 Answers - Login to View the image
Diagnosis please.
Dr. Syam Sundar Patro0 Like5 Answers - Login to View the image
30 weeks size mass per abdomen *Chief Complaints* 45 year old Para 2 with previous history of myomectomy presented with mass per abdomen and abdominal doscomfort. *History* 45 year female presented with mass per abdomen. She had two normal deliveries. History of myomectomy done for fibroid uterus 8 years back. Papers of surgery were not available. H/o heaviness in lower abdomen and discomfort. No history of heavy menstrual bleeding. *Vitals* Pulse 88/ min. BP 114/80 mmHg. *Physical Examination* Per abdomen . Mass palpable per abdomen around 30 weeks size of gravid uterus irregular , restricted mobility. Well defined margins, firm in consistency, non tender. No guarding/ rigidity/ free fluid. Per speculum examination revealed cervix and vagina normal. Per vaginal examination. Same mass felt per abdomen and multiple fibroids palpable in uterus on posterior wall and lateral walls *Investigations* Ultraound revealed multiple fibroids largest posterior wall fibroid 20*18 cm. *Diagnosis* Fibroid Uterus *Management* Patient underwent adhesiolysis followed by TAH + BSO. OT findings: Uterus irregularly enlarged to 30 weeks with multiple fibroids largest left postero lateral fibroid 20*18 cm. Dense adhesions noted between posterior wall of uterus and sigmoid and rectum. Also adhesions between left adnexa and left lateral pelvic wall. All adhesions were dissected using sharp dissection and Hysterectomy done.
Dr. Viraj R. Naik1 Like3 Answers